segunda-feira, 6 de março de 2017


Do you know when you wake up? And it seems that nothing is right. Nothing seems to make sense.
Sometimes I wake up feeling like this ...
I spend the day thinking about things that have already happened.
bad things.
It feels like I feel shattered inside. It seems that something is missing ...
I feel like I'm alone in the world even if there are a lot of people around me.
My head goes round and round without being able to find an exit
And when night comes, and I'm alone in my room, lying in bed I start to think about everything I've already been through ...
Is it worth it to be part of a world where people hurt each other?
I cry alone, I prefer it.
Because I think if I tell my pain to the world no one will understand me
The people I love hurting me, the people I trust cheating on me, the people to who I give my heart destroyd him.

I know I'm not the only person in the world who feels this way.
And I think that's why I can understand other people's problems ...
With all that I've had to fight for, with all the pain I have to deal with ...
It's easy for me to understand the pain of others, but it's hard to share my pain with them.
I think even the person I least like in the world, I can understand
I do not know if this is good or bad ... but even though I'm suffering I can not see the sadness in people ... just because I really know how is felling this way
Even with my bad temper, even having to tell the truth in people's faces I can not see them feeling sad
I can be kind of rude the way I talk to them, but I can not see them suffering ...
Because people are not rude when they talk to me, but then they stab me on the back

I know there are good people you can trust, but it's so weird ...
I'm not the type of person who talks about what's hurting me
Maybe I should but I just can not
With everything I've been through in my life, everything I've suffered ... it's hard for me to trust people ...
When I see happiness in the eyes of all the people who have already hurt me, I do not feel envious, I feel sad that these people have taken my happiness, because they trampled me when they no longer needed me
that hurts
really hurts
I fight every day to forget the bad things that they did to me, so as not to hold a grudge. And I forgive each of them but I can not forget.

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